Suicide Prevention Steps / Intervention

Suicide Prevention Steps / Intervention 2018

  1. Ask if they are thinking about suicide.
  2. If they are, you must go into the safe mode.
  3. Stay with them on the phone, or try to get to them.
  4. Help them connect immediately with Lifeline, 1-800 273-8255
  5. Follow up with them. They will need your support

Please know that they are very fortunate to have you as a friend or support person!

If Someone You Know…
–  Threatens suicide
–  Talks or writes about wanting to die
–  Appears depressed, sad, withdrawn or hopeless
–  Shows significant changes in behavior, appearance or mood
–  Abuses drugs or alcohol
–  Deliberately injures himself or herself
–  Says he or she will not be missed if gone
–  Gives away treasured belongings

You Can Help:
–  Stay calm and listen
–  Take threats seriously
–  Let him or her talk about his or her feelings
–  Be accepting, do not judge
–  Ask if he or she has suicidal thoughts
–  Ask how intense and frequent these thoughts are
–  Ask if he or she has a means to carry out the plan
–  Don’t swear to secrecy–tell someone

Call your 911 number for emergency assistance or check the inside front cover page of your telephone book for local crisis services
The National Crisis Helpline: 888-784-2433 (1-888-SUICIDE)
The National “YOUTH” Crisis Helpline: 800-999-9999
*Adapted from The Suicide and Information Center online at